
Here, the topics relate to how the brain development process conserves (I’ll blog about what this means) into the large scales of thinking and behavior … though I won’t necessarily include the specifics of the brain processes in each post.  Repetition … yeah, I won’t do that to you, either.  You can always read earlier posts for any related aspects.

I see the early brain development processes conserve into the later developments within human development, in utero through adulthood. I see the impact in the difference between thinking/believing and critical thinking and maintaining an open mind. I see the conserved processes in human behavior, including within adults on social media and in the news, and in autism. I would like to help you start to see them, too!

Within human behavior, I cannot help but see these processes unfolding. My in-depth studies for my graduate education in both Human Development and analysis of data, my professional assessments of behavior of undesired or maladaptive behaviors (meaning: not promoting progress toward a beneficial and productive future), my professional consulting on and teaching behavior change, my independent reading in and thinking about intelligence and human potential – I see the map …. I’ve created a visual map …. I have an academic paper for this map (finished, but unpublished).

We can improve ourselves and help others.

I would like to assist you with thinking stronger … with helping you help others think, learn and behave productively.

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About Me

Here, you ought to consider my credentials important. My academic pedigree and professional (and just work) experiences ought to be important to you. So I provide them with some absence of the usual modesty with which I typically would engage this topic


University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education granted me my M.S. Ed. (2011) in Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Development. I graduated with 11 courses, only needing ten. I took additional courses during my 3-year attendance; all courses had a strong focus on the process of research and the analysis of research methodology. Cognitive development was my principal interest. Additionally, I took a course in Systems Neuroscience in University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. This course is an intense review and advancement of the composite of components for the new appointees to Perelman School of Medicine’s Neuroscience PhD program. All other students had at least the knowledge gained from bachelor level degree in either Neuroscience or minimally, the Biological Basis for Behavior. The department was paying these elite students $35k a year to attend.

Later, I was accepted into the Statistics, Measurement, Assessment, and Research Technology M.S. program, also at University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education. Specifically, this program prepares student for the process of research: how to ask the right questions, how to think in the field of research, how to collect the right data, process and analyze the data, interpret it, author the results, and assess the research methodologies and analyses of others ….

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My interest in creating these blogs is multifold. I want to create points of origin for dialog. This is first and foremost. Each topical dialog must start from some point, and deciding on these points will be of my choosing, of course. My points of origin are not arbitrary and I have not mused upon these topics just casually and sporadically.

The common forums for dialog tend to be on casual social media (e.g., Facebook), professional networking (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook) and through passive viewing, as some of us engage mass media (e.g., major network television stations, local and cable television, YouTube channels, and various Internet websites). All of these venues impact who we are and how we change. Are you aware of how you have been changing? Are you changing in ways that you like?

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